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Your source for SAP solutions, expert advisory, and talent resources.

Thank You for Choosing JDC Group!

We are experts in SAP staffing solutions, SAP project planning solutions, and SAP S 4/HANA program and project management. Whether you’re looking for advice, talent, or a new opportunity, we are the leaders in SAP and IT. If you wish to set up a consultation, please fill out the form below. We specialize in SAP advisory, implementation, support, and staffing. Industries we support include agriculture, chemical, oil and gas, life sciences, automotive, CPG and retail. If you are an employer looking for SAP staffing solutions, advisement, or implementation, we would be happy to discuss our services and expertise. If you are a professional looking for new opportunities, JDC Group is one of the best SAP and IT employment agencies to work with.

For any questions or comments about SAP staffing solutions, please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch promptly. 

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JDC Group – Atlanta

1100 Abernathy Road,N.E
Building 500 Suite 745
Atlanta, GA 30328