Over the past three years, JDC Group as well as the entire Consulting Solutions family of companies have witnessed a dramatic increase in the demand for data engineers and data scientists as customer organizations continue to shift to more self-service-based reporting and visualization tools. By making it easier for stakeholders to analyze data and build their own reports as needed, organizations can place much more of their resources into data engineering and data science areas with specific monetary-based ROI outcomes as their goals.
In fact, in our top 10 most-requested consultant skill areas within JDC Group, data engineering and data scientists have moved up from the number six slot to number two, with their demand surpassed only by the need for professionals with specific SAP skillsets and experience.
The benefits of the increasing emphasis on data engineering and data science to digitally transform companies have been profound, with some of our customer organizations engaging and utilizing our talent for projects that have realized results as high as $50 million in ROI back to the business.
Not all that long ago, business decisions were being made by performing analyses on paper, in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and through fourth-generation computers. Times have changed, and the level of analytical innovation—as well as our ability to generate data—are increasing exponentially.
In fact, perhaps the most dramatic outcome of digital transformation is the sheer amount of data being collected and analyzed. Research firm IDC, for example, calculated back in 2010 that the world had created about two zettabytes (ZB) of digital data. If that data were placed into 1 GB thumb drives laid end to end, the line could have stretched across 184 million football fields. Contrast that, however, with a more recent IDC estimate that indicates the Global Datasphere will reach 175 ZB by 2025.
As more and more organizations are desiring being truly data driven for better strategic decision making, it’s clear that the demand for data engineers and data scientists to produce ROI outcomes will only continue to grow.
Every customer supported by our Consulting Solutions family of companies is rounding the corner into being a more fully data-driven organization, although admittedly each is on its own maturity schedule for reaching its ultimate digital transformation goals. This is why our mission is to aptly support each customer according to its specific situation and evolutionary stage.
The bottom line: Companies can continue to rely on us to provide the data engineers and data scientists necessary for successfully completing their digital journeys.